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Omega 6: these fats will kill or heal you
These fats will heal or kill you. Get a quick insight into how toxic fats sneak into your food, and how you can replace them with life-giving...
Saturated fats and cholesterol
Learn why what you think you know about saturated fat and cholesterol might be wrong. A 2-minute watch!
If you want to fix your digestion, avoid this!
Zinc is a critical nutrient for digestion and healing your gut. Zinc is responsible for over 300 processes in your body and affects everything – taste, smell, mood, healing, repair, digestion,...
Are any of these YOU?
You may be deficient in vitamin A. Vitamin D and vitamin A are essential partners in your immune and digestive health. Vitamin A affects the immune system. Over 70% of your immune cells live in...
Fantastic Irish product lowers inflammation AND soothes your gut
This is one of my favourite tasty things to recommend to clients because it’s quick and easy. And makes a difference. Because of my background in looking at the science of herbs, spices, and their...
Gluten triggers autoimmune conditions
Autoimmunity includes conditions as diverse as psoriasis, Crohns, ulcerative colitis, hypothyroidism and vasculitis. Know the best way to keep your autoimmune condition going? Or to set up an...
Gluten damages YOUR gut
Sensitive to gluten or not, this common protein damages you. This groundbreaking 2015 study was done on normal healthy people as well as people with gluten sensitivity. EVERYBODY, not just the...
Unexplained immune or skin issues?
You just might be coeliac. For every patient with digestive symptoms, there are 8 patients with coeliac disease and NO gastrointestinal symptoms according to research published in the Journal of...
Are your troubles caused by gluten?
You CAN find out with the latest tests and techniques. Need some information? Call 087 9816666 or email anna@annacollins.ie to book your FREE quarter-hour chat.
Get rid of IBS on a gluten-free diet?
A clinical trial with IBS patients showed that implementing a gluten-free diet for 12 weeks resulted in significant improvement in symptoms. Might YOU be gluten-sensitive and not know it? Find out...
Why a gluten-free diet can make you worse
Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity is on the rise. This is where your immune system over-reacts to a class of proteins collectively called gluten and causes symptoms anywhere in your body. But is...
Are these toxic?
Plants contain biological toxins called polyphenols or bioflavonoids. Polyphenols are natural substances in fruit, vegetable herbs, and spices. Polyphenols help the plant deter infections...
3 surprising signs of low vitamin D
Autoimmune conditions e.g. psoriasis, hypothyroidism, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Digestive issues Food sensitivities or allergies If your vitamin D is below 100 nmol/L you don’t have enough....
3 common foods to avoid if you have IBS
Did you know that some common foods damage and inflame your gut, prolonging your struggles with IBS? Refined products. These are “are food artifacts”. That is they’re not really food at all, only...
IBD: Why you’re not a victim to your genes
Colitis and Crohn’s and other autoimmune conditions often run in families, right? You might be condemned to suffer these if you have a family history, right? WRONG!! We, humans, have around 23,000...
If you have heartburn this needs strengthening
Did you know that at the top of your stomach there's a valve called the lower oesophageal sphincter? The LOS is there to prevent refluxing of stomach contents back upwards. This valve should be...
Burping, belching, acid reflux or heartburn?
If you do any of these it's a sign your stomach is not able to digest. Your doctor may guess you have too much acid. Is this really the case? Surprisingly, it’s very rare for too much...
This food additive breaks your gut
IBS? IBD? Autoimmune issue? Any of those means your small intestine (not just your colon) is damaged and needs some TLC to heal. If you eat commercially produced foods the chances are you’re...
Simple GP test holds key to gut health
Vitamin D is a critical vitamin. It’s made in your skin by the action of sunlight on cholesterol. You are at risk of suboptimal levels if you Take cholesterol-lowering medications, steroids,...
IBS, IBD or autoimmunity? Don’t neglect this!
Did you know that chronic stress breaks down the lining of your gut? We’re all designed to withstand short-term stress. A near-miss on the motorway, a challenging meeting, running late. Stress...
It this additive causing your IBD?
Carrageenan is a thickener used in many ready-made and free-from foods to improve the texture and stop things like yoghurts and plant milks from separating. A long-standing puzzle is why this...
Could toxic metals be fueling your thyroid condition?
Toxic or “heavy” metals include mercury, lead, arsenic, and a few more. Many studies link high levels of heavy metals with autoimmune diseases, especially autoimmune thyroid conditions. 90% of...
Avoid these like the plague if you have IBD, IBS or an autoimmune condition (or you care about your health)
“Sugar-free” products usually contain zero-calorie sweeteners aspartame, sucralose saccharin. You might think “what’s not to like?” One of the problems with sucralose and saccharin is that they...
Could an apple a day keep IBD at bay?
According to research published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology eating apple polyphenols (substances found in apple peels) can suppress out-of-control immune cell activation to prevent colitis. ...
3 things you need to know about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or IBS
Did you know that gut infections can kick off inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)? Why this is usually not obvious is that the infection might not cause any symptoms until your body comes under...
If you have IBD AND eye problems this virus could be the cause
Yes, viral infections can cause Crohn's and ulcerative colitis!! When you get infected with a virus it never ever leaves you. It remains (hopefully) latent inside forever. In the event, your body...
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Despite there not being many conversations about it, IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) is a severe condition and an umbrella term for an inflamed digestive tract. IBD refers to two kinds of...